If you think seeing me burst through a wall and singing Springsteen's DANCING IN THE DARK is thrilling, (and it is), wait'll you see the upcoming posts I got in store for ya'll.
Seriously, it's nice to be posting again, (thank you, JACKSON PUBLICK for the nagging encouragement) I'll get something juicier up for tomorrow evening. The VENTURE BROTHERS SEASON 3 is over for me now, I'm a free agent for the next several months (and I welcome all serious offers for freelance work) while waiting for SEASON 4 to start. In theory, I should have plenty of time to post regularly here, as well as work on my very secret and dear-to-my heart project. Which I've been working on for several years. Which I'll share with the Blogosphere shortly, I'm sure.
Good to be back, everyone. Many thanks for the posts in my absence.
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