This is a copy of a commissioned piece I completed a couple of weeks ago. My apologies, though, to the buyer, as well as to Jackson Publick.
Brock, I now realize, is off model.
His mullet is too long.
Even so, it's appropriate that I post this, as this month marks my return to the dangerous world of the VB's as design and storyboard supervisor for SEASON 4 of THE VENTURE BROTHERS. I should note that, while my credit on season 3 reads "Art Director", it's not completely appropriate, as both Mr. Publick and the astoundingly talented color supervisor LIZ ARTINIAN could easily be credited as "Art Directors" on the show as well. But show producer RACHEL SIMONS asked me what I wanted my credit to be, and I got all ballsy with the opportunity.
Go Team Venture!
Yeah, his mullet's too big and also it looks like Brock has a huge vagina if you look at it closely.
I wish I had thought to commission that.
Great piece, though.
Rusty's jazzhands are soooo appropriate. Slightly off-model or not, this is fantastic. Whoever commissioned it is very lucky!
super good! great work sir, lucky stiff
Awesome! And season 3 has been brilliant so far.
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