LUCKY IN LOVE, the graphic novel with a narrative by George Chieffet and pictures by me, has gotten some high praise. And if you can read Swedish, some moderate praise (but a large part of that is grumbling about the three year wait for Volume Two to be released---hey, I'm drawing as fast as I can, I swear!) Personally, I've been floored by the response of some of my friends and fellow artists. Folks like Bob Fingerman, Jackson Publick, Bill Wray, Shaun McLaughlin, Kevin Langley, Mark Zingerelli, Mark Newgarden and Kim Deitch (KIM DEITCH!) have been generous in their praise and support. Old chum Jamie Rich has been especially vocal about it, and you can read his review amongst the links I'll patch in below. My thanks to Jamie, and to all of the critics for their thoughtful reviews. Take a look, won't you? And if you've read the book, I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. And if you haven't read the book, read what these folks have to say, and think about picking it up. Okay?