This is for Matt (Don't Call Me "Pee-Pee") Peters, VENTURE BROTHERS storyboard artist extraordinaire, and comics fan. Matt's one of the few people I know other than myself who loved the Super-Sons concept from DC's WORLD'S FINEST COMICS of the 1970's. I know this looks like Superman and Batman, but it's really SUPERMAN AND BATMAN JUNIOR. My versions of them anyway. A while ago, I had the idea in my head that I'd pitch this to Cartoon Network.
that batman is gunna give me nightmares.
sorry.... batman junior :)
I love these, especially Bruce Jnr -
his costume (to me anyway) actually looks like a baby bat!
I thought the Super-Sons stories in Worlds' Finest were great. I think they've been reprinted now too, or will be shortly.
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