Thursday, August 30, 2007


Robbie Busch and I created this flier to advertise the coming of INSTANT PIANO at the San Diego Convention, way back in '94.
Robbie drew Mark Badger's characters, as well as his own, while I drew and lettered everything else. Evan came up with the Neil Gaiman crack, but I don't get it.



That is a fun ass poster. The two of you rocked it.

Nigel Auchterlounie said...

so what do you do.
just add water?

fun poster

Unknown said...

WOW, where have I been. So many nice post and a new image!

ditto on "fun poster"

Unknown said...

At the time a lot of comics carried publicity quotes from Neil.

Post-Alan Moore quote era, pre --? Dunno who carried the torch after that.

mikecarloooyeah said...

MILK AND CHEESE!? awesome, as usual Stephan.

Jack Gray said...

I still have my flier from that San Diego con from so long ago. I was able to get the back signed with sketches from everyone. Definitely my favorite swag from that show.

Will Finn said...

man i loved this comic book. how i wish it was still around...

Ryan Khatam said...


el gato said...

instant piano is my number two thing you've ever done. i remember getting a toy piano from you at my first convention experience back in 97. i think i told you the felix animated show stuff you did was my favorite at the time.

i covet that poster. thanks for making it big enough to print out.

Mark B said...

sighh oh the daze when we waz young.

You see Dunbier is ragging on us in his blog?


Anonymous said...

A lot of stuff about you guys and Instant Piano in the Scott Allie interview over on AICN today. This may have something to do with that, don't know. But I found your blog because of it.

sdestefano said...

Thanks for the remarks, Jaka, and for pointing out the AICN thing.
Frankly, I find the retelling of the INSTANT PIANO story to be found there to be a bit melodramatic.

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome. Yeah, time has a way of adding a bit of melo to the drama of our memories, for sure. It sounded to me like a couple of old acquaintances reliving pieces of their past in a "tall tales" sort of way. Still, nice to be reminded of Instant Piano, and that they linked to all of your sites and/or blogs.