Occasionally, I get offers from friends and fellow comics professionals to do layouts for them. Jobs like these are always fun for me.
The first layout here is actually of an unused page for a JINGLE BELLE story SHANE GLINES had drawn for PAUL DINI. It was a short story, printed years ago, and Shane followed most of my layouts very closely, but opted to go much more simply on this page in the final art.
The next two pages were for a DEXTER'S LAB job by friends BILL WRAY (penciller and inker) and fellow INSTANT PIANIST and scripter, ROBBIE BUSCH.
Love it! This is probably a stupid question, but are you using a Sharpie?
Amazing stuff on here Stephen.
Good grief! If I'd known this; I'd ask for your help on my books!
You are the best cartoonist I know; serously--no one can touch you.
Especially you as The Watcher!
So good to see you posting again. May you enjoy your down for exactly as long as you would like.
Dexter and DeeDee look amazingly on model for what are supposedly rough layouts. I appreciate that depicting the characters correctly helps the final artist get a sense for how the finished page should feel...but you're still doing a lot more work here than I think most people would expect.
This looks really great.
Thanks Erika (yes, I did use Sharpie on these pages, as well as felt tip markers), Jez, Andy (you old so and so, you), Vincent, Rab (you're correct, these drawings are WAY too fussy for layouts) and Daniel.
Good to hear from you all....
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